Warung Tujuh

For dinner tonight, we had a great experience at Warung Tujuh. It’s a pretty small family-run restaurant located in Jalan Lebek Bene, which is more of wide alley than a street.

We ended up going with the owner’s recommendations and sharing them: nasi goreng, mie goreng, opor ayam (a mild chicken curry), and saos lada hitam sapi (beef in black pepper sauce). This worked out very well. We also had some fresh juices: I finally tried a jus alpukat, or avocado juice. It didn’t taste like I expected, and was quite delicious.

All this (including drinks) for less than AUD30. It was also delicious!

I was quite curious as to the origin of the restaurant’s name: a warung is a food stall, and tujuh means seven. Talking to the owner, he said that he liked the number seven, and we discovered that as a Christian, he liked it as it is Biblically a good number. He was also a good sport for me to practice my Indonesian on.

Jus alpukat: avocado with sweetened condensed milk.

The food was also great value. Dad and Mum thought that it must have been added up wrong as the total for four dishes to share and four drinks was so low. All round, it was a great experience, and I am hoping that we will be back there before we leave Legian.

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